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Thursday, September 25, 2014

James Files Interview : the shooters

November 22, 1963
Dallas, Texas
In less than
a second,
America died.


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"If you shut up the truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way."

- French author Emile Zola

"Treason does never prosper.
What's the reason?
When it prospers,
None dare call it treason."

Sir John Harrington



View a fragment of the video confession, preceded by comments of Jim Garrison : Click here

NOTICE: This document is the sole and exclusive copyrighted property of JFKMURDERSOLVED.COM and may not be copied, reproduced or duplicated in any form without written permission. 

© 2003 JFKMURDERSOLVED.COM All Rights Reserved


On March 22, 1994, television producer Robert G. Vernon videotaped the confession of James E. Files during which Mr. Files confessed that he fired the fatal last shot into the right front temple of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas Texas. A transcript of Mr. Files's confession follows. Included in the transcript is documentation and research (in italic font) based on existing evidence uncovered by leading JFK assassination researchers and authors. The purpose of this writing is to compare the confession of James E. Files to a majority of the evidence that has been uncovered in the last 34 years relative to the assassination. Readers are invited to review the following and to judge the veracity of Mr. Files's confession for themselves.


References in the text are numerically keyed to the bibliography. Each reference is assigned a number and is listed by that number in the bibliography. When a reference is cited in the text, the references's bibliographic number is given. Page numbers, if any, appear after the reference number. If the entire reference is being cited, then only its number is given. For example, Mark Lane's book Rush to Judgment is listed as reference number 4 in the bibliography. If the entire book is being cited, the citation will look like this: (4). If pages 221-224 are cited from the book, the citation will appear as follows: (4:221-224). The only exceptions to this method are when information is cited or quoted from the Warren Commission's report and from the appendices to the report of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Citations from the Warren Commission's report will be given as WCR, followed by the page number(s). Thus, WCR 32 refers to page 32 of the WCR. For the HSCA volumes, the volume number will be given, followed by the abbreviation HSCA and the page number(s). Thus, for example, 6 HSCA 110-111 refers to pages 110-111 of volume 6 of the appendices to the Select Committee's report.



March 22, 1994

Present: James Earl Files - Inmate, Robert G. Vernon - Producer, Bob Baxter - Cameraman, Mike Krolikiewicz - Prison Clinical Services 

Location: Stateville Correctional Center, Illinois State Penitentiary, Joliet, Illinois 

Time: 10:30 AM CST

Q: Please tell me your name. 

A: My name is James Files and I changed my name basically at the end of 1963 for purposes of ...let me rephrase that. I took the name Files in 1963, my real name is James Sutton. 

Q: Say that again. 

A: My real name is James Sutton but I changed my name in late 1963 due to the fact that at that time I wished to get married and raise a family. 

Q: And what is your name now? 

A: Today, I'm incarcerated and I'm under the name James E. Files. I raised a family under that name, James Files. 

Q: Did you change your name for any particular reason or anything involved in your past? 

A: I changed my name for a particular reason because I had been working with a radical Cuban group and what we wanted to do at that time was to protect my identity so they wouldn't know who I really was when I got married because of my family life. I didn't want anyone to retaliate on the things that we were doing so I took on a different name that was authorized to me through a government agency. 

Q: Were you ever in the armed services? 

A: I was in the 82nd Airborne. I went in '59...1959, date of entry...January and in July 10 of 1959, I believe it was July 10, we shipped out to Laos. I was 82nd Airborne.(1)

Q: What were some of your duties? 

A: My duties at that time...we were working a special operations group to work with the Laotian Army in Laos at that time. I was there strictly as an advisor..on training...with small automatic weapons...setting detonators, explosives, mechanical ambushes. There was just a handful of Americans working with the Laotians at that time. 

Q: How long did you serve there? 

A: I was there through...approximately 14 months I was in Laos..before I came home. 

Q: You mentioned to me at one time that you were in jeopardy of being court martialed could you elaborate on that a little bit? 

A: I really don't wish to elaborate on that part of the court martial. It had to do in the field but not of cowardice, it was something that I did to hold face with the Laotian Army. 

Q: Could you tell me how you first became involved in organized crime activities? 

A: Well, I first became...it''s a strange way to start out...but I was racing stock cars and driving at a local track and Mr. Nicoletti had taken a shine to my driving and he'd watched me on several occasionsand he had asked me once if I would drive him one evening. I took him out and test drove his car that we'd just picked up..a brand new Ford...and he was pretty well pleased with my driving and from then on I became more like an assigned driver to him and I did several drivings for him on different jobs that he did. 

Q: Who was Charles Nicoletti? 

A: Charles Nicoletti, at that time, he was an up and coming figure with organized crime and he was known as one of the local hitman. As far as I'm concerned he was the best that ever lived, as far as I'm concerned.(2)

Q: What Mafia family did he work for? 

A: He was out of the Chicago family. 

Q: Who would have been the boss of the Chicago family? 

A: At that time, Tony Accardo. 

Q: That's before Giancana or after Giancana? 

A: Tony Accardo handed it up...headed it up....then Giancana came after that. Giancana at that time was one of the underlings, I guess you might say he was the...one of the top lieutenants at that point. Things were handed out in different branches in organized crime such as someone might handle the liquor license, someone would handle the loan sharking and booking, someone would handle the contracts for murder for hire and anything like that.(3)

Q: James, where were you on November 22, 1963?

A: On November 22, 1963, I was in Dealey Plaza. I arrived at Dealey Plaza shortly before 10 AM that morning.

Q: What was your reason for being there?

A: My reason for being there at that point was to look the area over. I had driven a vehicle down there and I had taken several weapons to Dallas, Texas.

Q: For what purpose did you do this?

A: I did this for the sole purpose for the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Q: Who instructed you to do this, James? Tell me the story...in your words...

A: The story started back....oh, roughly six months prior to that when Mr. Nicoletti contacted me one evening and I had met with him and he instructed me that we was going to do a friend of mine. It was more like a personal joke because I had never liked John F. Kennedy since the Chianos Bay affair which was the Bay of Pigs.

Q: Were you at the Bay of Pigs, Jimmy?

A: No, I was not at the Bay of Pigs but I had helped train several of the operatives that were involved at the Bay of Pigs.

Q: When you say "helped train them" what do you mean?

A: I helped train them on what they call..we called it "Gator Ridge" back then, some people refer to it as "No Name Key" some people call it "Assassin Ridge" it was in the Everglades down there in Florida.(5) We worked solely with the Cubans at that time...we had supplied them with weapons...the weapons had come basically from the government...from the CIA...they had been heavily involved in that. And at that time, David Atlee Phillips was my controller. So I had never liked Kennedy since he had backed out on us and we didn't get enough firepower and I felt that we had been betrayed.(6) But, I, at that point, I had never even considered killing anybody at all over the situation, but when Charles Nicoletti told me that we were going to do my friend, I thought that they were referring to a local party in town and I said why what the hell did he do. He laughed, he says no not him, we're going to do John F. Kennedy, the president. I was a little bit shocked at first but I said hey fine, great, don't matter to me. I was game for anything he wanted to do. And then we discussed it and then he asked me what I thought about Johnny Rosselli(9) working with us and I told him hey fine I like Johnny..got n


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Building A Real LightSaber with Dr. Michio Kaku

Even if you weren't a Star Wars fan when you were a kid we all pretended to have the power to harness the way of the Jedi.
Wielding a broom handle and making humming and slashing sounds crashing our sabers into each other with high hopes of one day having our very own lightsaber. Well the future seems bright for those who dream. It may take fifty or so years but Dr. Michio Kaku has the true blueprint to building a fully capable lightsaber. Listen to him give the details and formulas to building the baddest weapon on the planet..

Below is posted from the YouTube users channel.Thank you and please subscribe and follow us on Twitter @Squatchtalk.

Dr. Michio Kaku attempts to build a real Lightsaber from the Star Wars universe using mode

Category Science & Technology 

License Standard YouTube License
Published on Mar 5, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014

Did The Giant Sloth Die Out Less Than 150 Years Ago?

The giant sloth, or mylodon, was once thought to to have gone extinct long before humans arrived in South America. Some people now think that it may have been alive in the 1800s. You decide “The Kennedy Connection” (Atria Books) is the first in a new series of murder mysteries featuring Malloy, a Daily News reporter who takes to the streets armed with a notepad and a vengeance. It’s author, Dick Belsky, is a former Daily News editor.

“I tried to capture the intensity of The News’ newsroom, the incredible dedication to getting the story, getting it first, getting it right,” says Belsky, who already has seven mysteries to his pen name, R.G. Belsky.

“There’s probably nothing like working there.”

Belsky spent five years at the paper in an era that produced two of the most dramatic stories of our times, 9/11 and the never-ending 2000 election. But the novel’s hook is a 50-year-old crime that still rivets the nation, the murder of JFK.

“Like many people I don’t accept the official government explanation that this guy just decided to shoot the President,” Belsky says. “That isn’t believable.”

It started with archaeological evidence of a giant sloth that died from being roasted alive in a pit — either the work of humans or very smart and envious smaller sloths. Then there was a dig that turned up two human skeletons, and the partial remains of the giant sloth they'd been eating. That brought giant sloth extinction forward to no more than forty thousand years ago.
Read the full article below:



Sunday, September 7, 2014

Jack the Ripper unmasked: How amateur sleuth used DNA breakthrough to identify Britain's most notorious criminal 126 years after string of terrible murders

It is the greatest murder mystery of all time, a puzzle that has perplexed criminologists for more than a century and spawned books, films and myriad theories ranging from the plausible to the utterly bizarre.

But now, thanks to modern forensic science, The Mail on Sunday can exclusively reveal the true identity of Jack the Ripper, the serial killer responsible for  at least five grisly murders in Whitechapel in East London during the autumn of 1888.

Read more below:
